
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Carrión Se?or” ,找到相关结果约236413条。
Gestión del control de acceso en historiales clínicos electrónicos: revisión sistemática de la literatura
Carrión Se?or,Inmaculada; Fernández Alemán,José Luis; Toval,Ambrosio;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.11.019
Abstract: objective: this study presents the results of a systematic literature review of aspects related to access control in electronic health records systems, wireless security and privacy and security training for users. methods: information sources consisted of original articles found in medline, acm digital library, wiley interscience, ieee digital library, science@direct, metapress, eric, cinahl and trip database, published between january 2006 and january 2011. a total of 1,208 articles were extracted using a predefined search string and were reviewed by the authors. the final selection consisted of 24 articles. results: of the selected articles, 21 dealt with access policies in electronic health records systems. eleven articles discussed whether access to electronic health records should be granted by patients or by health organizations. wireless environments were only considered in three articles. finally, only four articles explicitly mentioned that technical training of staff and/or patients is required. conclusion: role-based access control is the preferred mechanism to deploy access policy by the designers of electronic health records. in most systems, access control is managed by users and health professionals, which promotes patients′ right to control personal information. finally, the security of wireless environments is not usually considered. however, one line of research is ehealth in mobile environments, called mhealth.
Criterios de evaluación bromatológica y nutricional de productos pre-elaborados a partir del etiquetado e información técnica
Olivera Carrión,M;
Diaeta , 2011,
Abstract: we studied the nutritional profile of pre- made products offered by companies to integrate food assistance programs, products used in institutional dining- rooms and also at family level when marketed. the aim was to establish criteria to facilitate the evaluation of each product to streamline decision-making, and systematize the physicochemical and nutritional analysis. we also sought to suggest improvements to nutritional manufacturing companies when feasible. we used data sheets and / or information from the labels of the containers of 103 products. they were classified upon intended use, ingredients used in formulations, population group to which they were targeted, present statements and compliance with legal requirements. of total products, 94 were produced by 4 companies. in general, what was highlighted was the fortification with vitamins and minerals and sensory evaluation studies, presenting neither results of physico-chemical determinations, nor nutritional ones. taking into account the ingredients used and composition reported, we observed that fats are found in low proportion, with no sources of essential fatty acids. in some cases, hydrogenated vegetable oils were used as the sole or principal source of fat. the protein content was generally low and the main sources were of plant origin, with no studies of protein quality. in many cases the sodium level was very high. some products aimed at vulnerable groups with special nutritional requirements had no special features in their design or studies to support them. the proximate composition and sodium content are basic measurements that should be conducted on random samples and be repeated following previous results. the study was conducted in 2006-2007 and many products can be found on the food composition database "analysis of food system" (sara), ministry of health of the nation.
Violencia urbana: un asunto de ciudad
EURE (Santiago) , 2008, DOI: 10.4067/S0250-71612008000300006
Abstract: the city is the space where multiple social activities occur and where new and diverse forms of violence appear. this has been a major research topic in the last two decades, which has been analyzed in addition to other factors with particular effects on latin american cities. however, this has not been considered a phenomenon that is part of new forms of urban life, so we need innovative urban policies that are based in reality. we analyze violence by focusing on its causes and different forms, the city as a scenario for violence, the effects of violence on the city, and public space as a scenario for crime.
Sobresaltos en el bosque mediterráneo: incidencia de las perturbaciones observables en una escala paleoecológica
José S. Carrión
Ecosistemas , 2003,
Abstract: Este artículo revisa algunos aspectos de la dinámica vegetal del Cuaternario reciente en la Península Ibérica a través de análisis polínicos llevados a cabo durante los últimos a os. Parece que algunos tipos de ecosistemas forestales fueron capaces de absorber el estrés que supusieron los cambios climáticos hasta límites insospechados. La respuesta de muchas floras cuaternarias a la conclusión de fases glaciares y a los cambios climáticos del Holoceno ha estado bióticamente condicionada por una gran resistencia a la invasión y abióticamente influida por procesos que establecen contingentemente la temporalidad del cambio, fundamentalmente el fuego y el herbivorismo. Las características adaptativas y competitivas de las especies y la intervención de procesos estocásticos han sido tan importantes o más que el propio sentido del cambio climático en orden a establecer los grupos dominantes después de cada crisis
Los centros históricos en la era digital
Carrión , Fernando
Iconos : Revista de Ciencias Sociales , 2004,
La inseguridad ciudadana en la comunidad andina
Carrión M., Fernando
Iconos : Revista de Ciencias Sociales , 2004,
El fútbol es ancho y ajeno: Selección de referencias en la literatura y el arte de América Latina y Europa
Fernando Carrión
Quórum : Revista de Pensamiento Iberoamericano , 2006,
De la foraneidad al fin del ventrilocuismo del fútbol ecuatoriano
Fernando Carrión
Quórum : Revista de Pensamiento Iberoamericano , 2006,
Abstract: Con este artículo se trata de mostrar el proceso seguido por el fútbol ecuatoriano desde su cualidad esencial de juego hacia la condición de actividad múltiple que hoy le rodea. Para empezar se debe se alar que es innegable que han existido, en estos últimos a os, dos momentos significativos de construcción de un imaginario de unidad nacional: el uno proveniente de la guerra en el Cenepa contra el Perú (1995) y el otro de las clasificaciones de la selección nacional a los Mundiales de fútbol en Corea-Japón (2002) y en Alemania (2006); que, además, tuvieron la virtud de posicionar al país en el contexto internacional. Las clasificaciones a los Mundiales fueron producto de una evolución histórica larga y sostenida que se consiguió luego de muchos a os, primero desde lo local a lo nacional; luego de lo nacional a lo internacional; y finalmente, con la articulación a la globalización, cualidad mundial que adorna al fútbol actual, en estas justas de carácter planetario. De esto trata este artículo.
La seguridad en América Latina y Europa
Fernando Carrión
Quórum : Revista de Pensamiento Iberoamericano , 2005,
La gol-balización del fútbol
Fernando Carrión
Quórum : Revista de Pensamiento Iberoamericano , 2006,

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